Websites Are Not Television
Have you noticed that websites today are adopting the concept of television?
Nowadays, websites are complete with state-of-the-art graphics, sounds, and videos. To top it all up, advertisements are also rampant. On a single page alone, you get to see a lot of products or services being offered. Makes one wonder if websites are giving television a run for their money.
But what website owners are missing out on is that their visitors are not there to watch television. If they were, they would not be browsing your site in the first place.
Visitors are there for a purpose; to get information fast and leave. With all the things you have put into your site, chances are your visitors will long be gone before your main page can even load. The fact is, most are viewing your website on a screen that is between 15 and 19 inches wide, can only see 216 colors, and can only download at 28.8 kb per second.
Take note that the number one visited website home page is under 21k. You heard right. Yahoo’s home page is only 20k. One of the main reasons why it is quite popular in any part of the world. This might seem like very little but you really can do a lot within that size.
Why do you do that?
Use more design and fewer graphics. For a web page to be successful, it needs to download quickly and look good. The most common dilemma that owners encounter is they are torn between downloading quickly and looking good.
Instead of designing graphics and taking pictures and turning them into jpg to make your web page look good, try using color schemes. Use cell colors to make borders. Use the negative space on your website. What is not there is just as important as what is there.
Remember sometimes less is more. When in doubt think of a typical visitor coming to your web page. Would that extra graphic sell them or keep them coming back again and again. If the answer is yes, by all means, keep it.
If the answer is “well maybe” or “it just looks good there”, yank it. Viewers will appreciate not waiting for more than they have to. The web is here to make our life easier not to sit in front of a screen waiting for heavy web pages to download.